“Punishment has become the social fabric of everyday life.” – Victor Rios

on my radar

Before I launch into the subject matter of this post, I just want to make a quick comment on the recent decisions made by SCOTUS. As a physician-in-training, I recognize that my career in medicine does not operate outside the realm of politics. It is not only the legislation regarding healthcare (such as the recent Affordable Care Act decision) that is relevant but also the other major decisions such as (1) fair housing, (2) marriage equality, and (3) clean air — decision is pending.

The legal fabric of our society gravely impacts the quality of life of our future patients and thereby their health status. It’s important, as our patients’ advocate, for us to care about politics; for us to speak up for equality (in whatever form that comes). I’m proud of my country.

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On My Radar

on my radar

Once I turned in the last final of my undergraduate career, I delved into the world of the New York Times, The Washington PostTime, and of course Vogue. What they say is true–Princeton is the Orange Bubble and I (and I may be an extreme case) was not particularly engaged in the outer world. From time to time, I’d like to share articles and social media gems from the week that I found interesting; perhaps you’ll enjoy them as well!

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